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Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Independent Examination Stage



Ringstead parish council have been working on the development of a neighbourhood plan since the area was designated in February 2021. The neighbourhood plan will be a document that sets out planning policies for the Parish and these will be used, alongside the local plan, to decide whether planning applications are approved or not. It’s a community document, drafted after consultation with local people who know and love the area.














Decision Statement

The Borough Council has issued a Decision Statement confirming that the modifications proposed by the Examiner's Report have been accepted. Accordingly, the draft Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan has been amended, taking into account these modifications. The Borough Council has reached the decision that the Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan 2021-2036 should proceed to referendum. The Decision Notice and updated referendum version of the Plan can be accessed from the links below:


Decision Notice


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version - November 2024


Publication of Neighbourhood Plan Examiner’s Report

The Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan Examiner’s Report is now available to view. The report highlights Examiners conclusions and suggests that, subject to a series of recommended modifications set out in his Report, the Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan meets all the necessary legal requirements and should progress to a referendum.  To view the report, proceed to the following link:


Ringstead Neighbourhood Development Plan - Examiners Report


Following the Regulation 16 stage, Mr Chris Collinson has been appointed to undertake the Independent Examination of the Ringstead Neighbourhood Development Plan. 


The results of the Regulation 16 consultation, can be viewed at Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan.


Please use the link to view a copy of Mr Collinson's initial letter​


A diagram below shows the process:















​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Main Documents


Progress has been made gathering evidence and putting together key supporting assessments for the development of the neighbourhood plan. These include:


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 15 version


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation Statement


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Statement of Basic Conditions


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the March 2024 


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Report to Inform Habitats Regulations Assessment March 2024


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Evidence Base - January 2024


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Views Assessment 2024


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Green Space Assessment 2023


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Non-Designated Heritage Assets Assessment 2023


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Design Codes and Guidance  2022 (commissioned by AECOM)


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Housing Needs Assessment 2022 (commissioned by AECOM)


Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan - Site Assessment 2022





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