Ringstead Bowls
Update from Roger Pincott
Due to the weather, we still have a mountain of maintenance jobs to complete before the start of the season. Like other years we will all get together and complete them. We are trying to have early role ups before the season starts in April.
This year the format of the league has changed and there will be a couple more games. To this end we may need to find a couple more players to enable us to field a full team each match.
DO YOU fancy having a go at Bowling? Or do you want to come back to bowling? Your village team needs you!
Watch the notice boards or get in touch with any of the players and we will direct to you when we are starting to arrange practice session, all you need to begin with is flat bottomed shoes. We are a friendly bunch, and maybe we should take our sport a bit more serious, but life is a bit short for that to happen.
We came third in the league last year and is a position we hope to at least maintain, but it will not be a drama if we cannot. We enjoy our sport.
You can contact me on:
01485 525522 or rogerpincott@btinternet.com